Year Two Apprenticeship
Syllabus 2023

This course is open to anyone who has completed the First Year Apprenticeship either in person or online.
Class will be held from 10:30am - 6pm, Saturday & Sunday in Westminster, VT. There will be a break for lunch around 1pm. Lunch will be a potluck each weekend so please bring something to share! Tea, herbs, supplies, and occasional snacks provided. All classes will be divided up into lecture and either field or hands-on study. We will be learning directly from the plants as often as possible.  Our first and last weekends are 3 days long.

6. September 9th & 10th
7. October 7th & 8th
8. October 28th & 29th 
9. November 18th - 20th (3 days)

Class Weekend Dates ~
1. April 29th - May 1st (3 days)
2. May 27th & 28th
3. June 17th & 18th
4. July 15th & 16th
5. August 19th & 20th

Course Projects -




These three projects can either be large or small projects throughout the course, depending on how much time you would like to devote to them. These are ongoing projects you will be contributing to over a long period of time. You will share them periodically with the class.

Systems of the Body Binder

In this binder you’ll collect the class handouts, articles, and information on herbal medicine and holistic anatomy and physiology. Include 3-5 articles on herbal treatment for each system of the body. This will be an important reference tool for you, and a good binder to gather a lot of your information from class.

Plant ID or Plant Profiles Binder

In this binder you will have all of your plant profiles. Include information that you gather on specific plants, as well as photos or drawings of them. You will want to start with your allies (and if you choose, the whole book could be focusing only on your plant allies). You can xerox or print information from sources on different plants that you are planning  to use in your practice - make sure it’s reliable info.

Herbal Medicine Blend Making!

Rather than a final project, you’ll be creating 3-5 medicine blends for each chakra / system of the body after each class weekend. This will give you practice making formulas from the simples created in Year One. We enjoy and share them in class together!

Course Sessions & Dates

April 29th - May 1st (3 days)   ~  WEEKEND 1 
(*** Three Day Weekend - Monday added)

* Opening ritual, prayers, and plant meditation.
* Tea ceremony, sacred offerings & gifts.
* Course syllabus, outline, books, & homework.
* Guided journeys along your medicine path.
* Visioning & building our practice, connecting to allies.
* Herbalism in globalization & climate change 
* Plant communication & meditations in nature.

* Opening sacred space & circle. Journey in the North – Earth
* Honoring  our lineages & ancestors – Re-discovering our roots
* Social Justice in Herbalism & Holistic healing
* Understanding Nourishing and Restorative therapies vs. acute treatment
* Wild food, Healing foods, and Nourishing herbs
* North Journeys - Home, community, ancestors, and earth connection
* Wheel of the Year – Winter – Rooting & Restoring

* Opening sacred space & circle. Journey in the East – Air/Wind
* Offerings to the Air/Wind spirits
* Therapies - Purification, cleansing, and clearing in healing work
* Healing sessions - breath work, sacred smokes, and blessing herbs
* East Journeys - Breath, channeling, expression, and inspiration
* Plant Medicines of the East & Air element
* Wheel of the Year - Beltane/Springtime – Spring Clearing

Working with plants of Earth & Air elements for self care. One sacred medicine for North/Earth, and One for East/Air. Drum Practice, Offerings to North/Earth and offerings to East/Air.

May 27th & 28th  ~ WEEKEND 2

* Opening sacred space & circle. Journey in the South – Fire
* Fire Ceremony. Offerings to the South/Fire spirit.
* Plant Medicines of the South/Fire & Fire/Yang Therapies
* South Journeys – Transformation, strength, joy, self-love, and power
* Plants for transformation, protection, and banishing.
* Wheel of the Year – Summer Solstice – Lammas

* Opening sacred space & circle. Journey in the West – Water
* Plant Medicines of the West & Water Element
* Exercises in intuitive healing, perception and understanding of illness
* Healing with water, ritual bathing, steams, sweats, and washes
* West Journeys – Emotions, mysteries, dreaming, healing
* Wheel of the Year – Fall & Samhain - Releasing, entering dreamtime

Working with plants of Fire & Water elements for self care. 1 sacred medicine for South/fire and 1 for West/water. Drum Practice, Offerings to South/fire and offerings to West/water.

June 17th & 18th  ~ WEEKEND 3

* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Plants of the Above & Below realms.
* Plant Spirit Healing - Practice sessions & Energy healing
* Inviting guides & allies - Loving spirits & Ancestral guides. 
* Creating Sacred Space in Sessions

* Opening sacred space & circle. Journey ~ Center of the Wheel
* First Steps of Healing - Nourishing, building, and restoring
* Teaching self-care, self-dosing, and co-creation btw. practitioner and client
* Partner exercise on intentional  self-care support
* Self –care practice & plan. Self-care Worksheet & Calendar

Working with nourishing herbs & adaptogens for daily self care. 1 sacred medicine for Above realm, 1 medicine for Below realm. Offerings to Above realm. Offerings to Below Realm.

July 15th & 16th ~ WEEKEND 4

* Opening plant meditations and ceremony.
* Root Chakra - Soul & Body Healing 
* Plant Medicines & Holistic Therapies for the root chakra
* Plant allies supporting grounding, nourishment, safety, and earth connection
* Holistic Anatomy & Physiology of the Musculoskeletal System
* Herbal therapies for Musculoskeletal System disorders – spirit/mind/body
* Formulas, medicine making, and recommendations for musculoskeletal support
* Plant allies for the musculoskeletal system

Sunday - IMMUNE SYSTEM - - Holistic Anatomy/Physiology & Herbal Treatments
* Opening meditation, tea ceremony, and drum circle.
* Holistic Anatomy & Physiology of the Immune  System
* Herbal therapies for Immune System disorders – spirit/body/mind
* Formulas, medicine making, and recommendations  for immune support
* Plant allies for the immune system
* Chronic ailments & acute ailments

HOMEWORK ~ Working with plants for the immune & musculoskeletal system. Book readings, 3 Plant Medicine Profiles for Immune system & 3 Plant Medicine Profiles for Musculoskeletal. 3 medicine blends for both systems. Readings & Research on Immune system & Musculoskeletal herbal healing.

August 19th & 20th  ~ WEEKEND 5

* Opening meditation, tea ceremony, and drum circle.
* Plant Meditations & Harvesting 
* Sacral Chakra - Soul & Body Healing 
* Plant Medicines & Holistic Therapies for the Sacral chakra
* Case studies & Practice sessions with classmates
* Self-care for the Sacral chakra – Worksheet & Practice
* Plant allies supporting pleasure, creativity, and intimacy

Sunday - REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM - - Holistic Anatomy/Physiology & Herbal Treatments
* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Holistic Anatomy & Physiology of the Reproductive  System
* Holistic therapies for Reproductive System disorders
* Transgender holistic herbal care
* Formulas, medicine making, and recommendations  for reproductive health
* Plant allies for the reproductive/generative system

HOMEWORK ~ Working with plant allies for the reproductive system. Book readings, 3 Plant Medicine Profiles for Reproductive system, 3 Reproductive medicines, Readings & Research on Reproductive herbal healing.

SEPTEMBER  9th  & 10th   ~ WEEKEND 6

* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Solar Plexus - Therapies for creating wholeness and healing
* Plant medicines & Plant spirit healing 
* Case studies & Practice sessions with classmates
* Self-care for the solar plexus – Worksheet & Practice
* Plant allies supporting  joy, strength, self-love, energy, personal power

Sunday ~ DIGESTIVE SYSTEM - Holistic Anatomy/Physiology & Herbal Treatments
Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Holistic Anatomy & Physiology of the Digestive System & Organs
* Herbal therapies for Digestive System disorders – spirit/body/mind
* Formulas, medicine making, and recommendations  for digestive support
* Plant allies for the digestive system
* Chronic ailments & acute ailments

HOMEWORK ~ Working with plant allies for the reproductive system. Book readings, 3 Plant Medicine Profiles for Digestive system, 3 Digestive medicines, Readings & Research on Digestive system herbal healing. 

OCTOBER  7th & 8th  ~ WEEKEND  7

* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Heart Chakra - Therapies for creating wholeness and healing
* Plant medicines & Plant spirit healing 
* Case studies & Practice sessions with classmates
* Self-care for the heart chakra – Worksheet & practice
* Plant allies supporting emotional healing, compassion, and an open heart

Sunday - HEART & CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - Holistic Anatomy/Physiology & Herbal Treatments
* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Holistic Anatomy & Physiology of the Heart & Circulatory System & Organs
* Herbal therapies for Heart & Circulatory System disorders – spirit/body/mind
* Formulas, medicine making, and recommendations for heart support
* Plant allies for the heart & circulatory system
* Chronic ailments & acute ailments

HOMEWORK ~ Working with plant allies for the heart. Book readings, 3 Plant Medicine Profiles for Heart & Circulatory system, 3 Heart medicines, Readings & Research on heart & circulatory herbal healing.

October 28th & 29th  ~ WEEKEND 8 

* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Throat Chakra - Therapies for creating wholeness and healing.
* Plant Medicines & Holistic Therapies for the throat chakra.
* Case studies & Practice sessions with classmates.
* Self-care for the throat chakra – Worksheet & Practice
* Plant allies supporting communication, breath, freedom, listening, inspiration.

Sunday - RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ~ Holistic Anatomy/Physiology & Herbal treatments
* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Holistic Anatomy & Physiology of the Respiratory System
* Treating Throat & Respiratory System disorders
* Formulas and medicine making for respiratory health
* Plant allies for the lungs, upper and lower respiratory system

HOMEWORK ~ Working with plant allies for the respiratory system. Book readings, 3 Plant Medicine Profiles for Respiratory system, 3 Respiratory medicines, Readings & Research on respiratory herbal healing.

November 18th, 19th & 20th ~ WEEKEND 9  *** FINAL WEEKEND!
(*** Three Day Weekend - Monday added)

Saturday - THIRD EYE & NERVOUS SYSTEM ~ Holistic Anatomy/Physiology & Herbal Treatments
* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Third Eye & Crown Chakra - Therapies for creating wholeness and healing.
* Plant Medicines & Holistic Therapies for the third eye & crown chakra.
* Holistic Anatomy & Physiology of the Nervous System & Endocrine System
* Formulas, medicine making, and recommendations  for nervous system health
* Plant allies for the nervous system & brain. 

* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Growing & Sustaining a Plant Medicine practice overview. Incorporating body focused therapies
* Herbal Consultations & Intake Sessions
* Outlines for intakes, consultations & healing sessions
* Initial recommendations & forms for the client
* Guidelines for recommendations, dosages, and routines for herbal medicines
* Weaving plant spirit medicine, intuitive diagnostics, and energy healing into sessions

* Opening sacred space - blessing herbs, meditation, and tea ceremony.
* Dedication ceremony, offerings, and prayers to the earth.
* Final projects presentation (Binders, Tools, Medicines) & Gifting
* Graduation ceremony & Offerings
* Potluck Dinner & Celebration!

Blessings on the journey!


1.   Frame Drum


  1. Body in Balance by Maria Noel Groves

  2. Medical Herbalism by David Hoffman

  3. Holistic Anatomy by Pip Waller

  4. The Gift of Healing Herbs - Robin Rose Bennet *** If you haven't read chapters from year one.

Books Recommended for Materia Medica - 

* How To Move like A Gardener - Deb Soule*** If you haven't read it from  year one.
* The Energetics of Western Herbs (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2) by Peter Holmes
* Opening to Spirit by Caroline Shola Arewa
* A Modern Herbal, By Mrs. M. Grieve
* The Yoga of Herbs, By Dr. David Frawley
* Working the Roots: Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing by Michele Elizabeth Lee
* Planetary Herbology, By Michael Tierra
* Herbal Rituals By Judith Berger - Full PDF in Google Drive Gaia Handouts
* The Complete Floral Healer by Anne McIntyre
* Opening Our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs, By Gail Faith Edwards